The Fight for Tomorrow Martial Arts Academy
“The true way of the martial arts is to train so that these skills are useful at any time, and to teach these skills so that they will be useful in all things.”
Miyamoto Musashi
the martial arts are as much mental as they are physical, and as much spiritual as they are mental.
The Fight for Tomorrow Martial Arts Academy is based around the idea that martial arts training should be about more than simply learning how to fight or defend oneself. While these are the primary objectives for martial arts training, there are countless other benefits that are often overlooked.
We base our approach on the teachings of Stoicism and Bushido (the Moral Code of the Samurai, literally translated to “the way of the warrior”). These principles and virtues are a part of our curriculum both on and off of the mats to ensure sustainable growth personally and professionally. These skills and virtues increase our ability to positively impact those around us. Fighting is a lot like life, and life, is a lot like fighting! This is why we are here.

Our Programs
Our Mission
The Fight for Tomorrow aims to cultivate strong community foundations by integrating stoic philosophy and Bushido into modern living through personal accountability, public service, and the martial arts.
Our Vision
Our Academy will develop leaders within the community who will fight for a better tomorrow by living and leading with:
Integrity, Respect, Courage, Honor, Compassion, Honesty, and Duty.